MPS I é uma condição progressiva2 que foi dividida em 3 subtipos conhecidos como síndrome de Hurler (MPS I-H), síndrome de Hurler-Scheie (MPS I-H/S), e síndrome de Scheie (MPS I-S).3 Todos os subtipos de MPS I são causados por uma deficiência da enzima α L-iduronidase, que é necessária para a degradação dos glicosaminoglicanos (GAGs) sulfato de heparano e sulfato de dermatano,2,4 com consequentes manifestações multissistêmicas progressivas.2
Apresentação observada
Progressão da doença
Informações genéticas
Principais considerações de tratamento
References: 1. Beck M, Arn P, Giugliani R, et al. The natural history of MPS I: global perspectives from the MPS I Registry. Genet Med.2014;16(10):759-765. doi:10.1038/gim.2014.25. 2. Clarke LA, Wraith JE, Beck M, et al. Long-term efficacy and safety of laronidase in the treatment of mucopolysaccharidosis I. Pediatrics. 2009;132(1):229-240. doi:10.1542/peds.2007-3847. 3. Yasuda E, Mackenzie WG, Ruhnke KD, et al. Long-term follow-up of post hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for Hurler syndrome: clinical, biochemical, and pathological improvements. Mol Genet Metab Rep. 2015;2:65-76. doi:10.1016/j.ymgmr.2014.12.006. 4. Shapiro EG, Nestrasil I, Rudser K, et al. Neurocognition across the spectrum of mucopolysaccharidosis type I: age, severity, and treatment. Mol Genet Metab. 2015;116(1-2):61-68. doi:10.1016/j.ymgme.2015.06.002. 5. Muenzer J, Wraith JE, Clarke LA, International Consensus Panel on the Management and Treatment of Mucopolysaccharidosis I. Mucopolysaccharidosis I: management and treatment guidelines. Pediatrics. 2009;123(1):19-29. doi:10.1542/peds.2008-0416. 6. Arn P, Wraith JE, Underhill L. Characterization of surgical procedures in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type I: findings from the MPS I Registry. J Pediatr.2009;154(6):859-864.e3. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2008.12.024. 7. Thomas JA, Beck M, Clarke JTR, Cox GF. Childhood onset of Scheie syndrome, the attenuated form of mucopolysaccharidosis I. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2010;33(4):421-427. doi:10.1007/s10545-010-9113-7. 8. Semenza GL, Pyeritz RE. Respiratory complications of mucopolysaccharide storage disorders. Medicine. 1988;67(4):209-219. 9. Clarke LA, Heppner J. Mucopolysaccharidosis type I. In: Pagon RA, Adam MP, Ardinger HH, et al, eds. GeneReviews®. Seattle, WA: University of Washington, Seattle; 2002. Accessed July 31, 2015. 10. de Ru MH, Boelens JJ, Das AM, et al. Enzyme replacement therapy and/or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation at diagnosis in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type I: results of a European consensus procedure. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2011;6(55):1-9. doi:10.1186/1750-1172-6-55.